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IPA и фонетическое правописание
IPA : əˈkuːtəmənts
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Фонетическое написание accoutrements

uh-koo-ter-muh nt

Значения для accoutrements

An additional item or accessory to a dress.

Синонимы для accoutrements

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Вики-контент для accoutrements

Примеры в предложении

Under A we should have the following departments and stores: - Departments of issue and receipt, pattern room, armoury department, ordnance or park, harness, saddlery and accoutrements, camp equipment, tools and instruments, engineer store, magazines, raw material store, timber yard, breaking-up sto
In the Iron Age there was less uniformity in the burial customs. In some of the barrows in central France, and in the wolds of Yorkshire, the interments include the arms and accoutrements of a charioteer, with his chariot, harness and horses.
Car park plan for land littered with 'accoutrements of prostitution'
Слушать Car park plan for land littered with 'accoutrements of prostitution' произношение
Forming Fipples And Accompanying Accoutrements
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CRITICAL MASS: Rush never needed accoutrements of pop music
Слушать CRITICAL MASS: Rush never needed accoutrements of pop music произношение

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Актуальные новости на accoutrements

CRITICAL MASS: Rush never needed accoutrements of pop music
Слушать CRITICAL MASS: Rush never needed accoutrements of pop music произношение
One likes to believe in the freedom of music/But glittering prizes and endless compromises/Shatter the illusion of integrity. — Rush, "The Spirit of Radio," lyrics by Neil Peart Last month,..Просмотреть статью
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Car park plan for land littered with 'accoutrements of prostitution'
Слушать Car park plan for land littered with 'accoutrements of prostitution' произношение
They say that at the seemingly innocuous piece of land, off Brownroyd Hill Road, it is not unusual to find discarded needles, burned traffic cones and “accoutrements” of prostitution.
Telegraph & Argus Telegraph & Argus
Forming Fipples And Accompanying Accoutrements
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[Dr. Suess] created memorable books with minimal words and bright artwork. He inspired children and adults alike, and one of them, [Len], grew up to create wind instruments for the Bellowpho..Просмотреть статью
Hackaday Hackaday

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