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IPA и фонетическое правописание
IPA : ɪnkənˈvɜːtəb(ə)l
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Изучите произношение inconvertible с видео

Видео Произношение inconvertible в Английский

Фонетическое написание inconvertible

in-kuh n-vur-tuh-buh l

Значения для inconvertible

It means something that is not able to be changed in a form or a function.

Синонимы для inconvertible

Антонимы к inconvertible

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Примеры в предложении

This large increase is to be accounted for by the fact that during the Napoleonic rgime the government steadily refused to issue inconvertible paper currency or to meet war expenditure by borrowing.
The president was advised that the only way of averting the financial ruin of the banking institutions of the republic was to suspend the conversion law and lend from the national treasury inconvertible notes to the banks.
In 1878 depreciation had set in, and the inconvertible paper had by the close of 1881 grown to such an extent that it was then at a discount of 80% as compared with silver.
On the 31st of August of the same year a series of proposals upon the currency question was submitted to congress by the president, whose real object was to counteract the too rapid appreciation of the inconvertible paper money.

Переводы inconvertible

Каково точное произношение имени Heston blumenthal?

heh-stuhn bloo-muhn-taal
hehh-sduhn blo-muhn-daal
heh-stohn bloo-muhhn-tal
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